About Us

We first found out about the plans for Carrington Moss when Trespasser signage went up on all footpaths and byways in January 2017.

We subsequently held our first public meeting on 8th February 2017, which was attended by almost 100 people.

A number of passionate individuals worked together over the following months to put in place a plan for responding to the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework consultation and the Friends of Carrington Moss group was formally constituted on 23rd July 2018.

Our key aims:

Friends of Carrington Moss Constitution 

1. Name 

The name of the organisation shall be the “Friends of Carrington Moss”, hereinafter called the “Group”.

2. Aims 

The aims of the Group shall be: 

• To consult with, and act as a voice for, local residents and users of Carrington Moss, on matters relating to, or impacting, Carrington Moss

• To increase the level of community involvement in decisions related to the future of Carrington Moss, including appropriate levels of timely and genuine community engagement on all planned developments 

• To assist in the preservation and restoration of Carrington Moss and to encourage developments that are appropriate 

• To liaise with other organisations that are interested in the future of Carrington Moss 

• To encourage, enable and promote physical activity (walking, cycling and horse-riding) across all routes in the area, and progress claims for Public Rights of Way, where appropriate 

• To promote social responsibility in order to reduce anti-social behaviour and increase community enjoyment of Carrington Moss 

• To undertake and promote activities which protect and enhance the ecological value of Carrington Moss 

• To work in partnership with the owners of Carrington Moss and TMBC to ensure Carrington Moss is managed and maintained to a high standard 

• To raise funds to achieve the above aims. 

3. Membership 

Membership shall be open, irrespective of political party, nationality, religion, race, disability, sexual orientation or gender, to individual of 18 years and over, who express an interest in the future of Carrington Moss. 

Individuals under the age of 18 may be admitted into junior membership, as and when, and subject to such conditions as the Executive Committee may decide. Junior members shall not be entitled to vote on issues that arise, unless the Executive Committee specifically confirm that such a vote can be accepted. 

Every member, individual person, or body shall have one vote. 

The secretary shall maintain an up to date record of all members. 

4. Executive Committee 

The general management of the affairs of the Group shall be conducted by an Executive Committee which shall be responsible to the Annual General Meeting. 

The Executive Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) unrelated members and not more than 10 members, including the honorary officer positions of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, and other officer positions as shall be determined from time to time. Members shall be elected and hold office from the conclusion of the Annual General Meetings. 

If vacancies occur, the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill these from amongst the members of the Group. 

Friends of Carrington Moss Constitution 

In addition, the Executive Committee may co-opt a further four (4) members, as and when needed. 

The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees from time to time and it will determine the terms of reference, powers and duration of each sub-committee. 

All members of the Executive Committee shall retire from office together at the end of the Annual General Meeting, one year after the date on which they came into office, but they may be re-elected or reappointed on an annual basis. 

5. Annual General Meeting 

Once a year the Group shall hold its Annual General Meeting, which shall receive an annual report and statement of accounts, elect officers and a committee. 

It may also discuss any other business, of which proper notice has been given to the secretary, including proposals to amend this constitution. 

6. General Meetings 

The Secretary, or other person specifically appointed by the Executive Committee, shall keep a full record of all proceedings and resolutions at every General Meeting of the Group. 

There shall be a quorum of four (4) members of the Group present at any General Meeting. 

At a committee meeting, or a general meeting, each member eligible to vote shall have one vote only. In the case of an equal vote, the chairperson shall have the casting vote. 

7. Special Meetings 

The Chair or Secretary may, at any time, at their discretion, call a Special General Meeting. Unless the urgency of the issue determines otherwise, twenty one (21) days’ notice shall be provided, along with the reason(s) for calling the meeting. 

8. Sub Groups 

The Chair, Treasurer or Secretary may, at any time, at their discretion, establish a sub-group of the Committee to address specific issues, for example, a Finance Sub-Group to seek ways of raising funding for the group, or an Events Sub-Group to plan and organise community events. 

Each Sub-Group will formally record Proposed Members, Purpose, Meeting Frequency, Deliverables and Typical Activities. 

9. Constitution 

Amendments to the constitution shall require the approval of not less than two thirds of the members present at the Annual General Meeting or the Special General Meeting. 

A resolution for the amendment(s) to the constitution shall be received by the Secretary at least twenty eight (28) days before the meeting in which the resolution is to be brought forward. At least fourteen (14) days’ notice, in writing, of such a meeting, shall be given by the Secretary to Members and shall include notice of the proposed amendment(s). 

10. Finance 

The funds of the Group, including all donations, contributions and bequests shall be paid into a bank account operated by the Executive Committee in the name of the Group. 

Friends of Carrington Moss Constitution 

All monies raised by or on behalf of the Group shall be used to further the purposes of the Group and for no other purposes. 

All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by at least two (2) members of the Executive Committee. 

The Treasurer shall keep proper account of the finances of the Group and shall produce a financial report to be presented at the Annual General Meeting. 

11. Dissolution 

If the Executive Committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Group, it shall call a meeting of all members of the Group, of which not less than twenty one (21) days’ notice, stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed, shall be given. If the proposal is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote, the Executive Committee shall have the power to release any assets held by or on behalf of the Group. 

Any assets remaining on such dissolution, after satisfying the debts and liabilities of the Group, shall be transferred to another organisation which has similar objectives to the Group.